Thursday 28 November 2013

So here it is! My first post about the  first character I fell in love with (within seconds). Therefore I can say that PATCH IS MINE! Possessive and obsessive much?  Duh yeah, I know. You could ask my friends whether I am making this up or what, and I'm not alright? Also don't worry  as this post will not contain any spoilers of the story for those who haven't read the Hush Hush saga by Becca Fitzpatrick, it is a series of books aimed for young adults- as it does refer to kissing, sex and mild violence.{in order: Hush Hush, Crescendo, Silence, Finale } I absolutely-dutely recommend you do read as they are amazing. Personally, I think that the first book is the best, although all the rest are pretty awesome. Plus - you can't see it but my background is this pic:
Anyway! Off we go..

Who is Patch?
Patch Cipriano- Real name, Jev  Cipriano, but come on Patch is much more adorable. He is a fallen angel, so the age is unknown but as it says he is a high school senior in the book, I'm guessing it would be 18 physically. A sexy mysterious, dark and handsome guy, with secrets. His body is said to be toned and he is tall. Patch has charcoal eyes, black hair and is tanned. He is described as the dark  low hung Levi's (a jeans brand), boots, and smelling of spice kinda guy.(HOT)

Fallen Angel?
Patch is a fallen angel. An angel who let heaven in search of a mortal who he can kill so he can be human himself. He has had his wings ripped out by the angels after returning without a sacrifice, so he can still fly but not physically feel.

Why Do I Love Him?
First, love is an understatement. I totally adore him and would die if he were to be a real life, living, breathing person. I also like his personality as he is very mysterious, not what he seems on the outside. But anyway, his personality is awesome; funny, loving and protective and much much more. Most importantly, he is much what I would like to see in a guy. me being me wouldn't base anyone on looks- as they can deceive -   but on their personality and what they are like. Guys that I know and that may be reading this.... tips ya know... just do... *wink*

Guilty as charged.... I admit to it, okay! I have read Patch/Nora ( Nora is the heroine) fanfiction, and I can say it's quite addictive. There isn't  a lot of fanfiction compared to The Hunger Games fanfiction (yep THG as well) , and some get really icky , hot and too intense for me but they are really addictive and interesting. In a way, it's promoting your English skills(you know reading)and even more if you write some itself, because let's just say some of the writers are budding authors. Sites for reading fanfiction: and I have read some on Wattpad but they just don't appeal to me. If you are a 8 yr old with your Hello Kitty/ Ben 10  school bag- sit your but right down and do some colouring instead of reading some explicit contented stuff kay? Though I can bet it's all them kids who actually write the intense-est (is that even a word? PPah too bad it is now) fiction .To be honest if fanfiction could be withdrawn and made into a pill or injection, I swear to God it would be the most addictive drug ever...

Fave Quotes?
Apparently saying "I love everything that comes out of his mouth" doesn't  cut it ,so here. Btw, referring to "I", the person/narrator is Nora and  these are only some of my faves.

            “You smell good, too,” said Patch
"It’s called a shower.” I was staring straight ahead. When he didn’t answer, I turned sideways. “Soap. Shampoo. Hot water.”

"Naked. I know the drill.” 
            “I don't go out with strangers," I said.
"Good thing I do. I'll pick you up at five.” 

            "I'm your guardian angel," he said.
"I get my very own guardian angel? What, exactly, is your job description?"

"Guard your body." His smile tipped higher. "I take my job seriously, which means I'm going to need to get acquainted with the subject matter on a personal level.” 

            “If you can't feel, why did you kiss me?"
Patch traced a finger along my collarbone, then headed south stopping at my heart. I felt it pounding through my skin. "Because I feel it here, in my heart," he said quietly.
            “All this time I've hated myself for it. I thought I'd given it up for nothing. But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you.” 

That's it I suppose.
Song update

Can I just say that I like Rihanna and stuff ,but in this video, to me it looks like she's undergoing an exorcism. The Exorcism Of RiRi. If you don't know what that means then don't find out like i did; watching "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose". Man.... I had nightmares of those snakes for a week and still can see the images flashing in my mind. So just Google it!

I hope you liked this post and I'll admit it is JUST ONE of the many fandoms I have. I might even think about writing a short story or even a fanfiction about some of them... Gale ...*cough*.. Haw..*cough*...thorne...

Shout out to Anna! I still have patch written on my hand in your rubbish pen! =) Thank you for reading! Next post on Saturday. Bye Bye xx

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Review Of... Simple Spotless Skin Triple Action Face Wash =)
I love the brand simple as I have sensitive skin and I like the idea of using a product that doesn't use fake colouring or perfume but at the same time enchanting it with vitamins. Simple is a renowned brand and I have used several products such as the ' Kind to Skin Exfoliating Body Wash', 'Pure Soap Bar', 'Kind To Skin Moisturising Face Wash', the soap and 'Kind to Skin Vital Vitamin Day Cream with Sunscreens'.

I came over this in Boots where I was looking for a new face wash that was supposedly for preventing and clearing spots as I am a growing teenager and still going through puberty. However, you may wipe away that image of a suffering teen with zillions of spots because I have only several spots from time to time. My idea is that if I prepare my skin for such events before it happens with prevent huge outbreaks of pimples. I have sensitive, soft and quite already moisturised skin which can be dry from time to time. Usually I experience several spots popping up a couple times a week, that then fade in 4-5 days.

The face wash has a very light scent and is clear with gentle exfoliating beads. I like the addition of the beads as it gently removes dirt and dead cells from pores. It is not oily at all and washes off easily without any vigorous scrubbing. I use the amount of about two peas(I don't know...) and lather with a little water then apply to the face.

This product  has been in use for the past month- I think that's enough time for things to kick in if they do- and it has had a very noticeable effect. My spots are less persistent  and  just minimized to one or two a week but as I am not that prone to spots, it doesn't actually feel like much but it is.
As well as minimizing spots, it really softens the skin and refreshes it, allowing it to breathe. 

I would really recommend this  product as it has a good effect as well as topping up your skin with vital vitamins- much like all Simple products. Plus, if you are devoted to the little devils, then please please please try this face wash or any more of the Simple Spotless range as it is really worth it and it is very inexpensive( I got the current face wash for £3.99 in Boots) and comment any observations below.

 For more info about Simple products or this face wash in particular click here.

I made a carrot cake yesterday and I must say that I absolutely adore the cream cheese frosting, I could have a bowl of it but I'm not sure whether it'll be good for my health.
In addition to that, I really like this song.

Thanks for reading. Next post on Thursday. Bye bye xx

Saturday 9 November 2013

How To Draw .........An Eye
Eyes are very captivating features and very expressive. They can be the soul and body of many portraits, photographs or paintings, and is one of my favourite things to draw. The eye I am going to draw is quite realistic as well as really easy. It is based mostly on shading and detail for the realistic effect, and as I have said before I have the skill of art naturally and have not taken classes or earned any grades - though I am up for GCSE Art . Also you could try using colours instead of just pencil but that's wholly up to you.

What you will need:
A pencil - any will do, not necessarily a sketching one. Here I am using a normal Hb pencil.
Paper or the surface you would like the sketch to be on.
a picture to copy

One. Poise pencil to paper, and draw the shape of the eye. Draw the outline of the pupil, waterline and eyeball. Also draw the lid of the eye.

Two. Draw in the eyelashes on the water line.

Three. Shade the centre of the pupil dark and in a shade  slightly darker, start making strokes with your pencil going outward, all around the dark centre.

Four. Colour in the rest a lighter shade and keep on doing so until they blend.

Five. Fill in the eye-lashes and shade the lid of the eye.


Just a photo, sketch and song update.
I took this photo two years ago but I still must say it's one of my best nature photographs till date. It was taken in the butterfly section in Bristol Zoo! Btw it's a butterfly on a piece of pineapple.

This is literally what I do to pass time.


I hope you like this post and I'm thinking of making the eye I drew for this tutorial into a sketch... hmmm..... Thanks for reading!

Next post on Wednesday. Bye bye xx

Sunday 3 November 2013

Living In A Brown Family vs Living In a White Family
A little thing to know about me- I'm brown or more specifically Indian, and I've picked up on a couple things that are different between the ways of my family and a white family and things we as browns have to go through which a British (or any other white) family won't have to.Plus, one of my friends told me that this also applies to African families.So, I am going to write scenarios and what would happen during different occasions or compare the reactions. Also, I do not mean to offend anyone as this post is just for fun, is mostly stereotypical, and if you do get offended I'm Sowry.

School Reports-Brown Family
Okay so you received your school report today (or got a grade for an assessment), and you're on your way home. You have got a B by the way. Happily you walk into your house and your dad is on the sofa sipping his chai. Then you drop all your bags and everything getting ready to show off the B you got.
"Papa, I got a B today in science!" you say. Your dad stops drinking his tea and  places the cup down on the table.
"What you say?" he asks.
"B. I got B." the smile gradually slips off your face.
"Show me the paper. Give it here." he tells you and you pass the booklet to him. "What re! Last time you also got B, where is the A?"
"No shut up! Last time you got B, this time you also get B, huh? You know why? All the time laptop or TV. tut tut I simply got you that phone, what it is- ah ya fashebook, everyday! Now go study! See if I don't get A next time... You watch out..."

School Reports- White Family
Okay so you received your school report today (or got a grade for an assessment), and you're on your way home. You have got a B by the way. Happily you walk into your house and your dad is on the sofa sipping his coffee. Then you drop all your bags and everything getting ready to show off the B you got.
"Dad! I got a B in science!" you say. Your dad stops drinking his coffee and  places the cup down on the coaster.
"Oh well done child! I am so proud of you!"he replies. " See now I'm definitely getting you that new phone, I can't tell you how proud I am! Come here- gimme a hug!"

Desi Aunties
This one is so frustrating! White people do not have them and let me tell you, you are SO lucky. As all brown people are somehow related to each other, ,whether it be your aunty, uncle, chacha, chachi, maami, maasi, so the chances of them seeing you are huge. These aunties may not even be related to you directly but may somehow be through your grandma's fifth family's cousins( I don't know don't ask me). Most importantly, they don't need food. Nope. Their daily bread is gossip, gossip half of which is not even true. Each aunty will add a little bit of their own Garam Masala to the news. Imagine this scenario. You are in Tesco's buying, let's say tomatoes- don't laugh, you have no idea of the importance of tomatoes in a brown family- and a boy/girl(obviously of the opposite sex) comes up to you to say hi. You're there having a lovely chat about school or whatever whilst gathering tomatoes, no touching - nothing. No problem. Or so  you think. What you didn't see is the Desi Aunty observing you from behind the Flip-Flops that are on sale. Now when this Aunty, whoever she is, gets home and puts all her rotis (tortilla wraps) in the fridge along with all her other groceries, she will pick up that phone and dial another Desi Aunty to tell her about you and that boy in Tesco. However, as I said, she will add her own spice mix to it, so you just talking to that boy will turn into: "Ha, mehne dekha! Sapna's daughter. Ya it was her only! She was with that ghora ladka, and holding hands and all!". Now the Desi aunty at the receiving end will call another Aunty with her own masala a bit like: "Yeh zamana ko kya hua! That Sapna's daughter yeah! Lucy just told me, she was in Tesco na. She was kissing that boy! Such!". This will go on and on until it comes to the part when you are apparently going to marry that boy. See- this is scary.

 The Awkward Kissing Scene
This one occurred just last week to me when me and my family were sat down enjoying 'Titanic' , I mean what a classic film. I also agree that this does occur in both Brown and White families but Brown families are so much more awkward.

Brown Fam
You are sat down with your parents and the rest of your family enjoying the movie, when suddenly the main actor starts to lean in and kiss the main actress. You start squirming in your seat and adverting your eyes. Whilst doing so, you lock eyes with your Dad - who now has a look of disgust on his face. You awkwardly get up and say you're going to get more popcorn. Your mum stares at you and looks down at your full bowl of popcorn. By this time, the couple on T.V are furiously making out. You are standing there racking your brains for another excuse to get out of the room and just when you're about to state that you are going to the toilet, your dad starts talking...
"You must also be doing this na? Kissing bissing. I know everything. You also want na boyfriend? shee shee shee You know when I was your age, if my parents saw this I would get a slap and hot caylato. Oh yeah, I remembered - when you want to marry then? When you are 22?"
" My days, Dad! I'm just a teenager!" You reply, face palming at the same time.
" Okay, I know everything! You want that Tom Cruiser like boy now? What happened to Rajesh Khanna? Ghora Ladka chahiye?" your dad asks.

White Fam
You are sat down with your parents and the rest of your family enjoying the movie, when suddenly the main actor starts to lean in and kiss the main actress. You start squirming in your seat and adverting your eyes. Your mum is smiling and says, "Aw that's so cute!"  By this time, the couple on T.V are furiously making out.
" Well they're getting into it aren't they" Your dad says. You cover your face and lean back as far as you can into the sofa.

Talking on The Phone To Parents In front Of Your Friends
This is when most of your friends , white and brown, will take the piss.
Bring-Bring! Bring-Bring! Oh crap! You are in town and your phone starts ringing, it's your Mum. *If you're not already shaking with fear- you must be really brave.* Now you try to part yourself from the group of wild monkey like friends, some of who follow you. You answer the call and put your Indian accent on.
"Hallo mummy?" you say.
"Ha beti. You ate food?" mum replies.
"Yeah mummy just now."
"Acha. When you coming home?" she asks. This is the time -as usual- you friends start shouting crude sexual things out or ask you for weed or something. You turn around and glare at them.
"Haaalllo? Hai kya? Beti what they saying? Wait- you got boys there? Just see now what I'll do. You just come home, the slipper will be waiting for you!"
"But mummy-" your mum disconnects the phone. As if the shouting on the phone wasn't enough, your friends start mimicking your conversation in the worst accent ever. You now wish the ground would swallow you up.

I hope you enjoyed that, and I apologize for all the "you"s in this post, but it was quite hard writing in the present tense and adding time-connectives and stuff. And I LOVE YOU MUM AND DAD! This actually took ages to think of as my mind was blank, and my next post will probably be sooner.

Next Post on Saturday. Bye bye xx